How To Build a Soundproof Room within a Room: 9 Proven Methods

Building a room within a room isn’t tough but soundproofing a room within a room needs attention. When you have to soundproof one room within another, you have to fill every existing gap, so that there’s no scope of outside noise to enter the room. Even if you do that, what would you do to the inside noise? You must be aware that every movement generates vibrations or sound waves and your voice too creates reverbs even inside the space within a room.

So, the question is what can you do to fix them? If you too are curious to know the answer, you have come to the right place. This guide discusses how to build a soundproof room within a room in a comprehensive step-by-step manner.

Before moving onto the steps, here are a few examples of a soundproof room inside a room:

  • Recording studios
  • Commercial or residential home theaters
  • Heavy industrial equipment isolation
  • Rooms of solitude where you won’t be bothered by any outside noise
  • Home office
  • Home Gym

Let’s now go through a step wise guide to soundproofing a room inside a room.

How To Build a Soundproof Room within a Room?

Soundproof Room within a Room

Since soundproofing a room inside another one is quite complicated and definitely time taking, chances are you might get overwhelmed. Don’t fret. When you begin the process of soundproofing the room, proceed step by step. There are a few optional steps that you can skip. A few alternative options are also enlisted. Implement any one of your choices.

Now, without any further discussion, let’s see how to proceed with soundproofing one room inside another.

Make a Definite Plan &Take the Measurements

What would the soundproof room within a room look like? What type of soundproof materials are you going to use. What’s their cost? These questions are necessary to be answered. Only then will you be able to lay the perfect plan and proceed accordingly.

Before taking any step, you must always have a definite plan. It would be even better if you consult a professional and take his recommendations. Executing the process would become easier with an assistance of a professional.

Assembling the Framing Setup

If you think simply buying the best materials and attaching them to the ceiling, walls and floor would do the work, you are mistaken. Remember that every building needs a foundation that would bear the burden. Therefore, before building a soundproof room, you have to take care of the base structure. Constructing walls, ceilings come much later.

Once the flooring is done, wall framing is important. Experts recommend laying a double wall system since that would help to reduce maximum noise and provide improved sound isolation. For better results, you can even add soundproofing clips to the equation. 

Now, if the room you want to soundproof is in the basement, the base will act as a double wall. In this case, your work becomes less. You simply have to construct a stud wall, keeping a few inch distance from the main foundation. Construct deeper walls for better noise reduction.

Attach a Ceiling Frame

Once wall framing is done, pay attention to ceiling framing. Ceilings are a large single surface and a tough spot certainly. The important factor is ceilings are in direct touch with the floor above. Unlike double walls that can be built easily, constructing double ceilings is difficult. Thus, experts suggest implementing decoupling methods here. Below enlisted are two such methods:

Try to attach a floating ceiling. This is an effective decoupling solution. In this case, you weave extra ceiling joists in between the already existing joists. This method is effective but isn’t suitable for spaces that are filled with ducts and plumbing channels.

If you think installing a double wall would be sufficient enough to soundproof the entire room, you are wrong. Sound waves enter through the ceiling as well. If you considering the double ceiling option, get ready to overcome a challenging task. Also, don’t try to do it yourself. No matter whether you have decided to install a double ceiling or a floating one, take a professional’s help.

This is the second method of attaching a floating ceiling. Use hat channel and soundproofing clips. These are easy to be installed on any joist system and usually lose only a little portion of the ceiling, without counting the drywall.
 If none of the decoupling solutions work, the last method that remains is to install drywall directly on top of the ceiling joists.

Use Insulation Methods

Use Insulation Methods

If you know anything about reducing noise, sound insulation methods must be known to you. This method is certainly old but shouldn’t be ruled out altogether. There are various insulating materials available in today’s market. Choose the effective ones and use them on ceilings, floors, and walls. However, don’t add more than 6 inches of the material, no matter where you use it.

  • Install acoustic foam panels
  • Attach dense foam rubber
  • Acoustic Curtains
  • Install window treatments
  • Door Sealing Gasket & Sweep Kit
  • Studio Acoustics Tiles
  • Acoustic Panels
  • Mass Loaded Vinyl

Install Drywall

Install Drywall

Though an old method, it’s effective in reducing sound and outside noise. Applying one layer of drywall to the ceiling or wall isn’t enough. Two layers of drywall would do the work. Especially together with sound decoupling methods, drywall is expected to render the best results.  For more density, add 5/8″ inches.
For soundproofing the ceilings, you can attach up to three layers of drywall. This might seem like it’s not required, but ceilings are tough to be dealt with when it comes to soundproofing them. Therefore, it’s best to do the maximum you can.

For sound insulating the wall foundation, consider something like plywood or OSB. On top of it, you can add a sheet of drywall. If you install plywood, you can fix screws to the wall which ultimately increases the wall’s functionality in the long run.

You must be wondering how thick drywall would be ideal. Well, to determine the appropriate thickness of the drywall, you have to consider several factors. If you aren’t employing any dampening method, it’s better to mix 1/2 inch with 5/8 inch. However, if you will damp the drywall in the next step, there’s no need of mixing. Choose the heaviest drywall and your work would be done.

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What is The Difference Between Airborne Noise and Structure-Borne Noise
How to Soundproof Between Existing Floors

Damping the Drywall

Though this step is optional, it’s better if done. Damping the walls is important as it aids in sound reduction. It significantly reduces sound vibrations by ensuring that the noise dies out by the time it enters the space. Now, while selecting drywall, don’t go for extra expensive ones. There are pretty expensive ones available, but when it comes to soundproofing, they render zero results. Hence, it’s best to buy drywall of the standard quality and apply green glue for damping.

Fill in Air Gaps

Fill in Air Gaps

This can be considered to be the last step for the soundproofing process of a room.  However, there are extra soundproofing methods we have discussed. They are optional but implementing them would definitely enhance the ambience and solitude of your room. 

Once the major processes are over, check whether there’s any existing crack or holes anywhere. If you notice any remaining holes, gaps, or cracks, take immediate action. For filling the gaps, use acoustic caulks or gaskets. Apply them properly over the cracks and gaps and it will definitely obstruct noise from entering inside the room.

Add a Floating Floor

This is an additional but effective method to soundproof a room inside another room. Often people tend to ignore these solutions, being unaware that they would enhance the peaceful atmosphere of the room. Now that you know that installing a floating floor is a useful step towards soundproofing a room,  you must go the extra mile and do the needful.

Building a solid concrete wall is certainly the best way to soundproof a room. But, the space will become more sound resistant if you install a floating floor.

Use Wooden Frames

If you are tired of hearing outside noises and need to protect your peace, this is another effective method to opt for. Again this isn’t a compulsory option but a lot of homeowners opt for it to get enhanced noise reduction results.

To get an idea about the dimensions of the wooden frames, talk to professionals. The wooden frame is to be fitted on top of the floating floor. Besides doing this, also check whether or not the ceiling joist is fitted to the wall frames to better noise reduction benefits.

Don’t miss:

How to Soundproof Ceiling From Footsteps and Impact Noise
Temporary Soundproof Wall Ideas For A Room
How To Reduce Noise Through Walls

The Bottom Line

That’s all about building a soundproof room inside another one. Rooms build strategically like this are expected to obstruct a great amount of sound and noise.  Therefore, if you live in a highly populated city, make your rooms soundproof by following these methods! If you can’t afford to call a professional, then try these DIY steps to soundproof a room. 

But, before proceeding on this home improvement project, know the basics. Don’t get too carried away in excitement. Follow a strict budget. Proceed stepwise. The room is expected to have leaks, gaps, cracks, etc. Fill them first. If you have ducts and channels everywhere, fix them, if you want complete sound isolation.

Soundproofing a room ensures that no sound waves from the outside can enter your room. Therefore, investing in soundproofing a room is always a good idea. Oftentimes people simply soundproof a room but don’t get satisfactory results. In such times, you can build a room within a room and soundproof them effectively. No matter what’s the reason, there are various ways to achieving your goal. With so many varieties of options available, soundproofing rooms aren’t limited to a few options. Nevertheless, if you need any help with soundproofing, this guide is sure to assist you in the process.

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