How To Cut Acoustic Foam: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

The easiest way to reduce noise pollution and trap any form of sound leakage is by installing Acoustic foam, also commonly referred to as Sound Absorbing Foam or Soundproof foam,

Very often people confuse Acoustic foams with Acoustic Panels. The main difference between these two is the fact that the panels are available in only a few large sizes whereas acoustic foam is more functional and customizable. These can be cut and placed in whichever corner of the room that you choose and offers a high level of soundproofing as compared to the Sound dampening Panels.

However, handling acoustic foam can be slightly challenging. In order to install it the right way into the nooks and crannies of your room, you need to be able to cut and place it without damaging the foam material.

Professionally cut and carved foam looks noticeable cleaner than one cut with a scissor. If you have been using scissors used for daily use or even a kitchen or a utility knife, you may be familiar with the rugged edges on the side of the foam. This makes the material look unprofessional and may even tamper with the soundproofing nature of the foam.

How to cut Acoustic foam?

How to cut Acoustic foam

Whether you get it professionally installed or you do it yourself, knowing the right tool to cut the foam can make a world of difference. An electric carving knife is considered to be the best tool by professionals as it is known to give a smooth and clean finish when cutting acoustic foam as well.

This knife makes things easy for you as the two blades that are placed alongside each other, move in a back and forth motion and the only work left for you to do is push down gradually. The major work is done electrically with the help of the razor-sharp blades and you’re required to only put a certain amount of pressure.

Follow the steps detailed below in order to cut the acoustic foam without causing any damage to it.

  1. Analyse the wall and decide on the amount of foam that you needs to be bought.
  2. Install the square-shaped foam in any open area of the wall that does not require the foam to be cut
  3. Locate the corners where you want to place the soundproofing foam
  4. Use chalk on the back or the flatter side of the foam.
  5. Use an electric knife for a cleaner finish, or a kitchen knife if the former is not available
  6. Use the ridges to cut through the material
  7. Keep your hand steady to avoid getting an unprofessional looking piece
  8. Install all the pieces and experience professional level soundproofing in your own recording studio.

To make a long story short

Soundproofing can be extremely useful whether it is for your own personal use in your television room or if you need a recording studio for yourself. Contrary to popular belief, it need not be as expensive as it looks.

Acoustic foam can not only trap any leaking sound but can also improve the aesthetics of your soundproofed room, as well.

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