Can Pyrex go in the Microwave?

The answer is yes! You can microwave pyrex in the oven.

Almost in all the households, we can find pyrex cookware. We use them for a variety of reasons, they are very sturdy, making them fit for storage and cooking in the microwave oven. The company offers a wide variety of kitchenware products which are popular for their excellent quality. Pyrex is made up of tempered glass.

Do you know that pyrex was earlier made of borosilicate glass? But then, the company switched to tempered glass, as it is cost-effective and also quite sturdy!

Even if the company claims the pyrex cookware to be microwave-safe, it is always better to use pyrex in the microwave with certain precautions. We have compiled this article which answers all the doubts regarding your query.

So if you have been worrying about whether you can put pyrex glass in the microwave, you have come to the right place! Read on to know about this topic in detail.

Can Pyrex go in the Microwave

Can you microwave Pyrex?

Yes, you can microwave pyrex in the oven. As pyrex is made of tempered glass,  making it is safe to microwave the food in this. Glass is microwavable and widely used to cook food. The pyrex collection has a diversity of products like pyrex cups, pyrex bowls, pyrex jugs, and many more.

The safety label at the bottom of the product contains information as to whether it is microwavable or not. Read on to get a clear picture before microwaving it.

Can You Microwave Cold Pyrex?

The answer is a big no! You cannot heat cold pyrex in the microwave. As there is a sudden shift in the temperature of the kitchenware to which the glass is not adapted, and it shatters.

The best way to reheat the cold food is to let it come to room temperature and, after that, you can microwave it. This, will reduce the chances of sudden temperature shocks to the utensil and make it safe for you to cook food.

What happens if you microwave Pyrex?

What happens if you microwave Pyrex

When you microwave Pyrex glass in the microwave oven, the food it contains gets heated up. Just a quick overview of the working principle of a microwave oven will help you better understand this.

The food particles in the pyrex container absorb the microwaves generated by the oven. This energy absorbed by the food particles makes the water molecules vibrate and collide with each other. The collision leads to the production of heat, which helps the food to heat up.

This way the microwave heats the food, and you get your cooked meal ready! Pyrex glass is microwavable as it does not trap these microwaves and get heated up. It allows the transfer of the microwaves to the food easily and is safe to microwave food in the oven.

Is Pyrex Microwave Safe?

Is Pyrex Microwave Safe

Yes, pyrex glass is microwave safe. Given you follow a set of precautions while using pyrex glass and pyrex bowls in the microwave, you are good to go!

Unlike the materials like stainless steel and aluminum foil, pyrex is safe to be microwaved, but, you must still check the label provided on the container to confirm it.

 Keep it away from sudden thermal shocks and handle it carefully to avoid an accident. As glass requires extra care, you must use it with proper safety measures.

Are pyrex lids microwave safe?

Yes, the pyrex lids are completely microwave-safe, they are made of the same material as that of the pyrex container. The lids are made up of tempered glass, which is safe to microwave.

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Safety Tips: Things to know before microwaving Pyrex:

Here is a compiled list of safety tips that you must keep in mind when you cook food in the microwave oven in a pyrex product:

Always check the safety label on the container before microwaving

Even though pyrex glass is microwave safe. It is advised to still check the label on the bottom of the container. It will confirm that it is microwave-safe.

Check whether the pyrex bowls are at room temperature or not

Do check whether the pyrex bowls are at room temperature or not. If there is any difference in the temperatures of the bowl and the room, then let it rest, and come at room temperature.

If you put cold pyrex in the microwave oven, it will result in the cracking of the utensil.

As the glass will not be able to absorb the sudden change of temperature from cold to hot.

Do not place pyrex glass directly on the stovetop

It is not advisable to put the pyrex glass directly on the stove. This sudden absorption of direct heat will cause it to crack and break. Use a pot with water on the stove, and then you can place the pyrex glass above it.

Do not microwave an empty pyrex cup

This is the most obvious one, and we know that you already know it, take it as a quick reminder. Always microwave pyrex when it contains the food.

Avoid using glassware for high heat cooking

Glass is not the best choice when it comes to cooking food that requires a high heating temperature. Use your regular utensils and try to cook them on your stove. As glass will break when exposed to such high temperatures and may prove hazardous.

Avoid pouring hot liquids directly into the pyrex glass

This is one of the key points to remember when cooking with glassware. Do not put hot liquids directly into the pyrex glass, this will result in the cracking of your glassware. Making it heavy for your pockets.

Avoid cooking dry dishes in pyrex cookware

Dry dishes contain no water. Put a bit of water in the dish to avoid burning the bottom of the pyrex cookware.

Keep a check on the oven temperature

Even if pyrex is microwave-safe, it is still made up of glass, which may get cracks if heated beyond a limit. Keep a check on the oven temperature and make sure that it is set not too high!

Keep a check on the oven timer

While you may be busy reading your book while cooking, you may tend to forget that you have kept food to cook in the oven. So it is better to keep a check on the microwave timer and avoid overcooking the food.

Keep a check on the cracks of the pyrex glass before putting it in the oven

If the pyrex is already cracked, then it will not be a good idea to put it in the oven for cooking. It will surely crack and create a mess. So, look out for the cracks!

Wear your oven mitts to handle hot cookware

It is too obvious. But, it is good to be reminded about general stuff because we tend to forget them in a hurry. Wear your oven mitts to avoid any burns or injuries. It also gives you a tight grip to hold the glassware.

We hope that these tips will help you in using pyrex in the microwave oven carefully.

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Final Thoughts

Pyrex is one of the best microwave-safe containers when cooking food in the microwave oven. It is the best plastic alternative available in the market. It is non-toxic and is also very easy to handle. Just follow the above-mentioned tips when you cook in pyrex.

So you do not need to worry whether the pyrex kitchenware which you are thinking of putting in the oven, is microwave-safe or not. Just follow these safety tips, and you are good to go!

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